When combined with Cryo Blast, with or without Incinerate's rank 6 "Freeze Combo" evolution, the Engineer can destroy armored enemies. This power is one of the most useful in the Engineer's arsenal, capable of eliminating an enemy's regeneration due to its damage over time while also making them "panic", delivering a high damage output, damaging armor effectively, and arcing over cover. Powers Class Powers Incinerate Main article: Incinerate This enables Engineers to control the battlefield and turn the odds in their favor. Incinerate is an excellent power for destroying armor, and Sabotage enables the Engineer to overheat enemies' weapons and turn mechanized enemies into temporary allies.Īdditionally, Engineers can use both the Combat Drone and Sentry Turret behind enemy cover to force enemies into the open and make them easy targets while also distracting them from targeting the player and squadmates. Their combination of powers means that they are suited to handle any foe effectively Overload brings down barriers and shields fast, and with the Chain and Neural Shock enhancements it's very useful against unshielded enemies. The addition of Power Combos - Tech Bursts, Fire Explosions, and Cryo Explosions - greatly magnifies the Engineer's capabilities in both capacities. While continuing to excel in the trade-mark supporting and de-buffing roles, they have improved ability to deal damage. Ashley returns in Mass Effect 3 (providing she survived the Virmire mission in Mass Effect) with an updated appearance as well as becoming a Spectre and the commanding officer.Engineers have been very well fleshed out in Mass Effect 3. In Mass Effect 2, she makes an appearance on Horizon (provided she survives the events of Mass Effect), but she does not join your party. Last row: Thane, James, Tali, Kaidan, Ashley, Liara, Miranda, Mordin, Legion, Javik, Jack. Next row: Garrus, Commander Shepard (default male), Wrex. Top row, from left to right: Saren, Illusive Man. Some of the major characters of the Mass Effect trilogy. Legion is an interesting squadmate in that he is a geth.

Considering Zaeed is a mercenary, he lacks excitement.

Where was Jacob when BioWare was handing out personalities?. Frequently Asked Questions What are the Mass Effect 2 squad members?